Thesis Agency | SAGA

Catch the full series here.

Everyone has an origin story.

SAGA began with Black Excellence at Thesis (BET). The employee resource group hosted a number of creative projects, which set the stage for something new. BET nurtured the soil and SAGA sprouted — its fruit the most beautiful shade of black.

Octavius Newman and Jalen Ladd brought the idea. I came on to unravel the story.

Our power is our people.

SAGA explores six unique stories about the people of Thesis. Each chapter shines a light on a person's story and the journey leading to who they are today. This docuseries and the extended podcast interviews are perfect for aspiring creatives and professionals hungry to take the next step. Our goal is to reveal the potential inside all of us.

As an Afro-Latino creative, the idea behind SAGA resonated with me. I drafted interview questions and created the framework for how we presented these stories. I developed the brand's voice and tone, scripts, and concepted the visual narrative. After production, I shifted focus to supporting the release through a social media campaign, internal and external advertising, and participated in panels about the project.


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